New Retail Development in Lincolnshire

Project ID 1918

Blakemore Property Limited add to their retail portfolio

Long term clients, Blakemore Property Limited, engaged ADM to provide architectural design, planning, building regulations and quantity surveying services on their new modern purpose built 2,584 sq ft. retail store development.

A.F. Blakemore & Son have opened the doors to their latest Spar Convenience store development at Winsover Road, Spalding, following the successful completion of the new single storey building on the grounds of the former Burdens Motor site. The store provides 2,584 sq. ft. of retail area to provide a much-needed regeneration of the site to give an attractive and modern amenity for the local community and commuters.

This new convenience store sits on the former Burdens Motors Building site at Winsover Road, Spalding. Prior to the construction commencing by Gelder Group, remedial work on the site was required by way of the removal of redundant fuel tanks and remediation of contaminated soil. The new storm drainage infrastructure required agreement from surrounding neighbours and Anglian Water to take the new pumped surface water service through the adjoining land.

The new convenience store provides a much-needed amenity to the local community and enhances Blakemore Retail's offer in the area.

How can we help you?

ADM Surveyors provides a comprehensive package of Construction Management Services, tailor-made to suit your construction needs. If you'd like to discuss your project with one of the team then please contact us via one of the options below. We look forward to hearing from you.